Support / Contact
You have a problem or a question? first if you need a quick answer please take a look at the common problems (FAQ).
Surprisingly, 80% of the questions we receive by email are actually answered just below (common problems section). Then, you can of course write us, we used to take between 12 and 48 hours to reply, here is the contact form! Select your problem : Your email : Type your email here. We will reply to this email, so be sure it is the correct one :) Your message : If you have a problem, try to be as clear as possible and give us details. The message must be in english. |
Common problems and how to fix them (FAQ)
> the website doesn't load - clear your browser cache and reload the page - be sure to use Google Chrome or Safari and not Firefox - check if your wifi connection is ok - try to disable your antivirus > YouDJ is slow on my computer / I hear audio glitches - be sure to use Google Chrome - restart your browser! open only the YouDJ website - check if your laptop is not too hot (fan spinning constantly) - check if your laptop is not on battery and not in "power saving" mode (see here) - increase the audio latency to "high" in the YouDJ settings! - clean your pc and make sure not too much programs run in the background - try to disable your antivirus because it can be busy scanning - use the YouDJ Desktop app, it runs in a much higher priority mode - ask santa claus to bring you a new computer ;) > I have upgraded by account to DJ level X but it doesn't work Very important : be sure to be logged in with the right YouDJ account! Indeed you have to login so the system can know what you paid for. If you didn't have an account when you paid, login with your email and the password '123456' (you can change the password afterwards). > I already paid for ... but it asks me to pay again Be sure to be logged in with the right YouDJ account, your DJ level never expire! Indeed you have to login with the correct account so the system can know what you already paid for. Be careful if you created multiple accounts (intentionally or by mistake), each account is independant. The payment system is entirely automated and if the payment really worked (= your bank accepted it), DJ level has been updated, 100% guaranteed! If you just paid for a new DJ level, be sure to RELOAD YOUDJ to see the result! > I already paid for ... but it asks me to use the desktop app Some features require to use the desktop app. Download and install it. The desktop app and the website are two different things! > Where can I download YouDJ desktop? Go to the download page, it is free! > Is the payment safe? All the payments are processed by PayPal or Stripe and not by YouDJ. I never see your credit card details, I only receive "confirmation of payments". Therefore I can not charge you without your consent. Be sure that Paypal and Stripe have very strict rules for online payments and they ban all websites which are not honest. The fact that YouDJ uses Paypal and Stripe for more than 10 years should convince you that it is all safe :) > Is the price one-time payment or monthly subscription? All prices are NO SUBSCRIPTION, there are ONE-TIME PAYMENT!!! upgrades are for life :) > Do you have a your refund policy? Yes sure! Our refund policy is pretty standard in the software industry, go to refund section. > I can't hear anything YouDJ uses the default soundcard of your computer, so if you have a USB soundcard (like a MIDI controller), be sure to enable the correct soundcard. > I can only hear the music on the right speaker You have probably selected the mono headphones mode in the settings. This mode requires a DJ splitter cable to work properly. > I have problem with the headphone preview If you have issues with headphones preview, especially with your MIDI controllers, please have a look at the audio configuration guide > YouDJ can not find the BPM of some of my songs (BPM is '---') By default, YouDJ will autosync your songs and therefore your songs must have a stable tempo (BPM). This is always the case with modern music which has been recorded in a studio. However, sometimes no stable tempo will be found for songs played live (rock) and songs which are altered or already mixed. Also because of technical limitations, YouDJ is not able to analyze the BPM of videos. > I have the MIDI controller XXXXXXX, is it compatible with YouDJ? YouDJ is compatible with all MIDI controllers, MIDI is a communication standard. I provide MIDI mappings for 90% MIDI controllers in the market : see the list of included mappings. Please note that the provided mapping are made by YouDJ users. I can't own all controllers myself! If your controller is not in the list, it STILL WORKS with YouDJ but you will have to use the MIDI editor to map it yourself. > YouDJ doesn't see my MIDI controller Be sure 1. Windows / MacOS detects it 2. No other software is using it 3. the controller is in MIDI mode (not HID) > Some controls of my MIDI controller are not right Almost all YouDJ features can be mapped on your MIDI controller. I provide default MIDI mappings which are made by the community. I can not guarantee that they are all perfect because I don't own all controllers. However, you can configure pretty much what you want in the MIDI mapping editor. In pratice you will probably need the midi editor to perfect the mapping the way you want. > I sent an email but no one replied I do reply to all emails, but it can take us a few days to reply. Be sure to check if our reply is not in the spam folder please. > I forgot my password and reset doesn't work When you reset your password, our system send you an email with the reset instructions. But be aware that most spam filters will block such automated email from an unknown email address. So be sure to check in your spam folder please, the email is always sent by our system. > Is YouDJ translated into other languages? Yes! The site is accessible in : English, German, Spanish, Portugese, Dutch, Swedish, Italian, Russian, Polish, Romanian and Greek. Your question is not in that list? contact us here |
Refund policy
Our refund policy is standard in the software industry : we will refund you if you didn't get what you paid for AND if the problem is mainly our fault. To request a refund, please send an email to with the following info : - payment to be refund (date, amount, payment email) - a picture or a small video to show the problem (eg. made with your phone) - info about your computer (operating system? ram? model?) Refund requests will be examined by the YouDJ programmer and since he is busy building the app, the refund can take up to one week. Please be sure to send a picture or a video of the problem, it is not because we don't believe you but we need them to fix all issues in YouDJ. Also refunds can cost us up to 5$ in bank fees, so we are pretty strict on our policy and we won't refund if : you refund request is not fully documented, if you changed your mind after a while, if you were expecting a feature which is not listed on the site, if you bought YouDJ just for one party and you don't need anymore, if your son/daughter used your credit card without your consent, if you completed the whole purchase process "accidentally", if you made duplicated purchases (PayPal and Stripe only charges one time, we can't charge you automatically, we only receive confirmations of payment, not your credit card details!), if there is a problem with YouTube or SoundCloud (we have no control on any future changes on their side), if your MIDI controller is not perfectly mapped (please accept that our mappings are made by the community not by us, we don't own the 120+ controllers to check all of them, use the MIDI editor to perfect the mapping), if you expect a MIDI feature which are not listed in the YouDJ MIDI command list (in the YouDJ settings)... Be sure that we do our best to make the best DJ software but a problem is always possible because all computers are different, sorry in advance :) |
Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
We are super happy that you love mixing music on YouDJ! As we said ealier, YouDJ is made by passionate people, not an evil company :). In this section we are giving details about how we’re using information and what you can do and not do with YouDJ. Don't worry there is nothing to worry about it, all are pretty standard stuff but we legally need to write them and we also want to be fully transparent.
What are the terms of use of YouDJ :
YouDJ is a multi-platform DJ mixer. There is no restriction of use on YouDJ, you can use it as much as you want. However you must not copy YouDJ without authorization or attempt to modify/hack/crack the YouDJ apps or websites even if you paid for a license. Just be honest and use common sense. What are the terms of use of YouTube :
YouTube kindly allows YouDJ to have access to their services via the YouTube API since 2015, a big thanks to them! We have no control on it and we can't be responsible for any YouTube changes. By using YouDJ, you must agree and respect the YouTube terms of use and privacy policy and copyright policy. Because there is no YouTube login on YouDJ, we don't have access to any YouTube user information. We don't collect any data about your use of YouTube on YouDJ. What about music copyright :
YouDJ doesn't host any music! The music copyright terms are entirely defined by the music artists/labels/owners. Buying a YouDJ license obviously don't give you any right on the music content. So if you have specific authorization needs, be sure to contact the music artists or labels directly. What information we collect :
- If you are not a registered user, we don't record any information about you. - If you are registered, the only personal data we record on our servers are : your email or your Facebook ID number or Google ID number (depends how you login) and your full name. Important, we do NOT have access to your Facebook or Google account, profile or password ! - To keep you logged in at each visit, we use the tools provided by Facebook and Google, and a login cookie if you are logged in with your email. - Pretty basic also, we are using Statcounter, a popular tool to monitor how many people go on the site every day. - To finish, just to let you know that we don't record any activity you do on the site, so you can go crazy on YouDJ, no one will know :) What we do with information :
Your personal info are only used when you login. Also, very important to know, we do NOT give your info to anyone else and we never will ! We don't send any data to Google, YouTube, SoundCloud, facebook... What about payments safety :
All the payments are processed by PayPal or Stripe and not by YouDJ. We never see your credit card details, we only receive "confirmation of payments". Therefore we can NOT charge you without your consent. Be sure that Paypal and Stripe have very strict rules for internet payments. What about ad trackers :
As you can see we don't have any ad on the website because I made the website by passion and I hate ads as much as you do. Therefore there is absolutely no ad tracker on the site! However, the YouTube player is still hosted on the YouTube site so you can see ads inside their videos. What about emailing :
No spam are sent and we don't send your email to anybody!! We might use your email for actions related to your account (reset your password...) or YouDJ information campaign (you can unsubscribe for these ones). What about data encryption :
As you can see, the website only uses HTTPS and therefore all communications are encrypted. This means no one can intercept the data, even on public wifi. Also, if you have set a password on YouDJ (email login), your password is encrypted on our servers, so even us can not see it! If you have any questions which are not here, contact us here |
![]() YOUDJ 2007-2025, Free DJ software and app. All rights reserved. |