MIDI control
A MIDI controller is an USB device which allows to control the YouDJ software and website.
Instead of using your mouse / trackpad, a MIDI controller provides real buttons, knobs, faders for an amazing DJ experience. In shops, you can find many kinds of MIDI controllers, for beginners to pro DJs.
Compatible with all MIDI controllers
MIDI is a communication standard and therefore YouDJ is compatible with ALL controllers. In addition we provide 120+ controller mappings (see the list below). If your controller is not in the list, you will be able to map it manually with the MIDI mapping editor.
Allen&Heath Xone K2Hercules DJ Control StarlightNumark iDJ Live IIReloop BeatMix 4
American Audio VMS2Hercules DJ Control SteelNumark iDJ ProReloop BeatMix 4 Mk2
American Audio VMS4Hercules DJ Control WaveNumark iDJ3Reloop Beatpad
Behringer BCD2000Hercules P32 DJPioneer CDJ 2000Reloop Buddy
Behringer BCD3000Hercules Universal DJPioneer CDJ 3000Reloop Digital Jockey 2
Behringer CMD MicroIon Discover DJPioneer DDJ 1000Reloop Jockey 3 ME
Behringer CMD Studio 2AKaoss DJ ControlPioneer DDJ 200Reloop Mixon 4
Behringer CMD Studio 4AKontrol Dj KDJ500Pioneer DDJ 400Reloop Mixtour
DJ-Tech Kontrol OneM-Audio X-Session ProPioneer DDJ 800Reloop NEON
DJ-Tech i-MixM-Audio X-ponentPioneer DDJ ERGOReloop RP8000
Denon MC3000MixVibes U-Mix Control 2Pioneer DDJ FLX4Reloop Ready
Denon MC4000MixVibes U-Mix Control Pro 2Pioneer DDJ FLX6Reloop Terminal Mix 2
Denon MC6000Novation Launchpad MK2Pioneer DDJ RBReloop Terminal Mix 4
Denon MC6000 MK2Novation Launchpad MiniPioneer DDJ RXReloop Terminal Mix 8
Denon MCX 8000Novation TwitchPioneer DDJ RZRoland DJ-202
Faderfox DJ44Numark 4TrakPioneer DDJ RZXThe Next Beat
Gemini FirstMixNumark DJ2GoPioneer DDJ S1The Next Beat SX1
Hercules DJ Console 4-MxNumark DJ2Go2Pioneer DDJ SBTraktor Kontrol S2
Hercules DJ Console 4SetNumark MixDeckPioneer DDJ SB2Traktor Kontrol S2 MK2
Hercules DJ Console Mac EditionNumark MixDeck QuadPioneer DDJ SB3Traktor Kontrol S2 MK3
Hercules DJ Console Mk2Numark MixTrackPioneer DDJ SRTraktor Kontrol S3
Hercules DJ Console Mk4Numark MixTrack 3Pioneer DDJ SR2Traktor Kontrol S4
Hercules DJ Console RMXNumark MixTrack PlatinumPioneer DDJ SXTraktor Kontrol S4 MK2
Hercules DJ Console RMX 2Numark MixTrack Platinum FXPioneer DDJ SX2Traktor Kontrol X1 MK2
Hercules DJ Control AirNumark MixTrack ProPioneer DDJ SZTraktor Kontrol Z1
Hercules DJ Control CompactNumark MixTrack Pro 2Pioneer DDJ SZ2Traktor Kontrol Z2
Hercules DJ Control GlowNumark MixTrack Pro 3Pioneer DDJ WeGOVestax Spin
Hercules DJ Control Inpulse 200Numark MixTrack Pro FXPioneer DDJ WeGO2Vestax Typhoon
Hercules DJ Control Inpulse 300Numark N4Pioneer DDJ WeGO3Vestax VCI-100
Hercules DJ Control Inpulse 500Numark NS6Pioneer DDJ WeGO4Vestax VCI-100MKII
Hercules DJ Control InstinctNumark NS7Pioneer DJ DJM-S9Vestax VCI-300
Hercules DJ Control Instinct P8Numark NV mkIIPioneer XDJ R1Vestax VCI-380
Hercules DJ Control JogvisionNumark Omni ControlPioneer XDJ RXVestax VCI-400
Hercules DJ Control MP3Numark Party MixReloop BeatMix
Hercules DJ Control MP3 LENumark Party Mix MKIIReloop BeatMix 2
Hercules DJ Control MP3 e2Numark Total ControlReloop BeatMix 2 Mk2

Note from Erik : it is not possible for me as a solo programmer to own all controllers! so these mappings are CROWD-SOURCED by the YouDJ community and might need to be edited because I can't verify the mappings without owning the controllers... Nothing is standard unfortunately.
Selection of MIDI controllers
People regulary ask us for tips to buy a good MIDI controller, so here is the list of the most used MIDI controllers on YouDJ. We don't sell these products ourselves, they are all sold by Amazon, but at least you know what's good :)
Hercules DJControl Compact
See on Amazon (around $69 *)
Numark DJ2GO2
See on Amazon (around $79 *)
Hercules DJControl Starlight
See on Amazon (around $89 *)
Numark Party Mix
See on Amazon (around $99 *)
Pioneer DDJ 200
See on Amazon (around $129 *)
Hercules DJControl Inpulse
See on Amazon (around $119 *)
Numark Mixtrack Pro 3
See on Amazon (around $199 *)
Pioneer DDJ 400
See on Amazon (around $229 *)
Pioneer DDJ SB3
See on Amazon (around $239 *)
* the prices are just given as an indication because they can vary. The final prices are given on Amazon.
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